jazio is a Web Consultant.

This site includes his daily sandbox of thoughts. All I publish here is for himself. It keeps my memory fresh and my inteligence sharpened. Hence the quality of the content : ). All mistakes are my responsability. They are the results of my profound lazyness.

Frolicking every day between art [soon to publish] and technology is an exhausting no nonsense.

My favorite occupations are testing new technologies, hand and digital drawing, reading action novels and ancient dead yeah languages. I love my NTGreek and my OT Stuttgartensia Hebrew Bible

jazio is:

  • IT Consultant
  • Free time cartoonist.
  • Polyglot.
  • Very communicative.
  • Avid reader of literature.

  • University degree in Economics (Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics Economics).
  • PRINCE2® Foundation Certified (License 04124725-01-KUBC),
  • Scrum Master Certified (CSM) (Scrum Alliance Credential ID 1061079)