Encrypting Files

There are some prerequisites: you need to generate a gpg key. If you don’t have an existing GPG key, you can generate a new GPG key to use for signing commits and tags, and here for encrypting data.

Step 1 GPG is a GNU tool. Download it.


gpg --full-generate-key

Accept the default. Type a secure passphrase.

Now let’s list the keys:

gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

Now, you can encrypt the file:

gpg -c -o your_file

You are prompted for a passphrase.

Or you can encrypt a whole archived folder:

Encrypt and compress a file as tar.gz

Pack your_dir in a encrypted archive your_archive.tgz.gpg (symmetric encryption):

tar -cz your_dir | gpg -c -o your_archive.tgz.gpg

Decrypt and unpack it:

gpg -d your_archive.tgz.gpg | tar xz

See the docs of GPG for how to use asymmetric instead of symmetric encryption.

Encrypt Folders

encryptfs Command line drive/folder encryption. It take a folder/drive and mount it as a drive.

genc Gnome EnCfs Manager encryptfs with GUI

A keyring is a secured “stored database” of your login information stored a removable media. It’s wrapped by encryption schema.

$ ecryptfs-manager
eCryptfs key management menu
	1. Add passphrase key to keyring
	2. Add public key to keyring
	3. Generate new public/private keypair
	4. Exit

Make selection: 1

	Mount-wide passphrase: 
	Confirm passphrase: 
	Using the default salt value

Added key to keyring with signature [711467d43760472f].

With GUI: Deja-dup

Duplicate Searcher with GUI. FSLint - http://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/

Duplicate searcher command line. fdup -r path/to/folder

Other solutions: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3865/how-to-find-and-delete-duplicate-files