Blender is a complex software for producing professional level 3d rendered scenes, animation and films.

Don’t try to make cool things from the first day. Instead rely on the interface and contemplate it. It is overwhelming how many tools, options, palettes and viewports can be packed into one software.

LMB, MMB, RMB are the three mouse buttons.

Get familiar with GUI and viewports

Zoom in/out using the MMB. Rotate scene using holding the MMB pressed.

View from different angles with numeric keypads: 0-9 where 0 is a view through camera. When on laptop and you don’t have a numeric pad you can select from User Preferences: Emulate 3 button mouse


F1 Open F2 Save


Ctrl+UpArrow - Maximize Ctrl+F10 Fullscreen N Properties, T Tools


Object Mode vs Edit Mode

Tab-key — Switch modes When in Edit mode the object is isolated from others. It is also full selected. In case you need to edit parts of it deselected it: A-key.


Are formes by vertices, edges, faces.

G - Grab, S - Scale, R - Rotates And a combination of x,y,z e.g. G,x,4,5

You can move objects using the Properties palette (N-key). There you find the basic 3 operation: transform, rotation, scale for each coordinates x,y,z. The number represents grid divisions.

You can duplicate objects using Shift + D-key. The object will be created in the same place. If you want to move the objects 5 squared divisions on y-axis you hit N, then in Transform palette, field y hit 5.

##Select Objects

RMB, use control to extend the selection With Control LMB you can use the lasso tool to select parts.

Build objects

Start from basic shapes Shift + A-key to use the contextual menu for object creation.


Sculpt Mode: allow you to interactively shape the object using different chisels. Use F-key to adjust the size of a brush. Shift+F-key to adjust its strength Sculpting needs a denser mesh. Now since many of the objects might have a simplistic mesh, you can activate Dyntop option from Brush tab (left side). This option will dynamically add the missing mesh. You can draw textures on the object surface activating a Texture from the Brush Menu and the Properties Menu (to be added details).


Use I to store the keyframe. Alt + A-key to start/stop animation.

Mesh Editing

Control + Tab to move around the vertices, edges, faces menu.

Ctrl+R To se a section custom division. Initially is positioned in the middle but after the first click you are free to move around.


RMB to select. Alt + RMB to select the faces from the same loop. C,B also for selection Control+LMB is for lasso tool.


Use H-key to hide objects (you can also hide them by clicking the eyeballs in the Hierarchy palette). In order to unhide you type Alt+H. M-key will make the Move to Layer context menu to pop up. Hit the little square representing the destination layer. For instance you need to place it on layer 2 you hit 2. Orange color signifies the objects in the current layer. A brigher orange tint means the object is active. With shift + 2 or any other number you make those layers come forth.

Moving throughout the layers: Hit keys from 1-9
